You've Got Questions. We've Got Answers.
If there is something you'd like to know about SLURRYTUB's innovative solution to job site waste, look no further than our FAQs.
How do I get SLURRYTUB?
Purchase SLURRYTUB online or find a distributor near you.
What types of cleanup can be done in a SLURRYTUB?
SLURRYTUB is designed for cement/concrete, mortar mix and tile grout washout. It is not recommended for some tile adhesives/glues and floor-levelling compounds.
What is the water capacity of the SLURRYTUB?
The SLURRYTUB can hold up to 35 - 40L of wet trade waste material - enough for your standard wheelbarrow washout. However, if greater capacity is needed on your job site, we recommend having another tub ready to go!
How long does it take for the slurry contents to dry and how do I dispose of the hardened waste?
It typically takes 30-60 minutes for the wet slurry to dry, however, this will vary depending on the contents of the washout material. We recommend starting your site cleanup with Slurrytub so that by the time you are done cleaning everything else, the slurry will be dry and ready for disposal.
Once the waste has hardened, simply empty the contents and the biodegradable filter into the garbage or take the contents off-site and dispose of them safely following your local municipal guidelines.
How do I attach the SLURRYTUB filter to the tub?
Carefully remove the filter from the ZIPLOCK bag and open the filter, keeping the flap with the logo at the front of the tub. Once the filter is placed into the tub, carefully attach the filter holes to the ‘cleats’ on each corner of the SLURRYTUB. Make sure the filter flap is at the front and sits over the lower cut-out area on the tub.
Can I stand up my wheelbarrow in the SLURRYTUB without holding it?
The cut-out at the front of your SLURRYTUB is specifically tested and designed to support the most commonly available wheelbarrows. Your wheelbarrow should rest ‘hands-free’ in the SLURRYTUB front cut-out to allow you to wash it out with ease.
Where do I let the filtered water drain?
You should always allow filtered water from the SLURRYTUB drain into a designated wash-up area or capture the water and recycle it on the job - a great way to increase water savings on your job site.
How effective is the SLURRYTUB filtering process?
The filtered water which flows from SLURRYTUB is visibly clear. Typical laboratory testing of water samples shows Total Suspended Solids (TSS) of less than 50mg/L.
Can I use the SLURRYTUB after tiling, rendering, or plastering?
Yes! The low-micron-rated paper filter used in SLURRYTUB can be used for these types of cleanups. However, we don’t recommend it for use with paint, adhesives or waterproof membrane.
Not Seeing the Answers You Need?
If you are not seeing the answers to your questions, contact us for information or check out our blog to learn more about the safe disposal of cement slurry.
Job Site, Done Right
SLURRYTUB delivers a cost-effective, environmentally-friendly solution for slurry waste management. It’s the smart choice for both sustainability and savings.