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Get to know SLURRYTUB from those who are actually getting their hands dirty with the product.

  • "Those that know, know. SLURRYTUB is the way to go. Hassle free environmentally friendly way to clean the gear at the end of the day. Even better to catch run off from the wet know those niggly jobs in the city when you don’t have the proper wash out for your concrete pumps. Well these beauties will save us a lot of hard work."

    - Ben's Bricklaying
  • "I'd recommend SLURRYTUB to most trades, other landscapers DIYers renders, tilers, bricklayers anyone that's dealing with sand, cement, and concrete every day. You would be pretty crazy not to have this product if you are working on residential properties.”

    - Michael A.
  • "We’ve been using the SLURRYTUB for the better part of a year now and we’ve had jobs from pool surrounds to large nature reserves. We are doing anything from grouting, paving, tiling to stonework and the SLURRYTUB works efficiently on all of those materials. I’d recommend SLURRYTUB and will continue to recommend SLURRYTUB because it’s a fantastic product.”

    - Mother Natures Landscape

Job Site, Done Right

SLURRYTUB delivers a cost-effective, environmentally-friendly solution for slurry waste management. It’s the smart choice for both sustainability and savings.

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