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Trade Filter Pack (24)

Product Information

Includes: 1 x 24-pack filters

  • Low micron industrial grade filter paper 
  • Fully disposable, biodegradable paper material
  • Designed only for SLURRYTUB use




On the job, SLURRYTUB is a straightforward piece of kit. It uses a single-use biodegradable filter that is placed into the tub and secured down by attaching the 4 holes into the cleats. Slurry waste is then poured into the tub, and hand tools and equipment can be washed down with the runoff flowing into the tub. The filtered water is then drained safely in washout areas or recycled on the job. Most of the water should drain within 30-60 minutes depending on the slurry contents. When dry enough, dispose of the hardened waste, along with the biodegradable filter into the work site waste disposal bin at the end of the day. Way too easy!

Graphic with 3 slurrytub steps, placing filter in tub, emptying wheelbarrow into tub, and disposing of dirty filter

  • base of tub with text 'structural base to drain quickly'
  • corner of tub with text 'corner cleats to hold filter in place'
  • slurrytub draining water with text 'slurry in, clear water out'
  • filter in tub with text 'single use biodegradable filter'
  • wheelbarrow in tub with text 'supports wheelbarrows handsfree'
  • hose attached to tub with text 'suitable for 20mm fittings'
  • slurrytub draining into bucket with text 'reuse & recycle water'
  • slurrytub draining water with text 'slurry in, clear water out'
  • It's environmentally friendly and prevents any runoff from going down into the drains or if you're working by the street, going into the gutters.
    - Ben W.
  • "We are doing anything from grouting, paving, tiling to stonework and the SLURRYTUB works efficiently on all of those materials. I’d recommend SLURRYTUB and will continue to recommend SLURRYTUB because it’s a fantastic product.”

    - Mother Natures Landscape

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Job Site, Done Right

SLURRYTUB delivers a cost-effective, environmentally-friendly solution for slurry waste management. It’s the smart choice for both sustainability and savings.

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